Destino (01)

Siembra un acto y cosecharás un hábito. Siembra un hábito y cosecharás un carácter. Siembra un carácter y cosecharás un destino. – Charles Reade

El destino es el que baraja las cartas, pero nosotros somos los que jugamos. – William Shakespeare

¡Actúa en vez de suplicar. Sacrifícate sin esperanza de gloria ni recompensa! Si quieres conocer los milagros, hazlos tú antes. Sólo así podrá cumplirse tu peculiar destino. – Ludwig van Beethoven

Dueños de sus destinos son los hombres. La culpa, querido Bruto, no está en las estrellas, sino en nuestros vicios. – William Shakespeare

A menudo encontramos nuestro destino por los caminos que tomamos para evitarlo. – Jean de la Fontaine

El Padre Havers, sencillamente admirable

“EN MEMORIA DEL MONSEÑOR GUILLERMO MARIA HAVERS OMMER. Sacerdote ejemplar, comprometido con Cristo Jesús. Promotor incansable de los martires mexicanos. Autor de más de 50 libros. Su recuerdo quedó entre nosotros con el testimonio de su vida y sus obras…”

P. Havers, admirable


Men and women have distinct personalities

Past studies have shown that men and women average similar scores on the 16PF5 – a well-known and frequently used measure of personality.

But by estimating the average difference in men’s and women’s scores on each of the test’s 15 different measures of personality, and comparing them against one another, researchers found that in fact the sexes shared less ground than previously thought.

The study showed that because men scored higher in some areas and women in others the differences between the sexes cancelled each other out when viewed as a simple average, but made for a significant gulf when added together.

The new paper “clearly rejects the idea that there are only minor differences between the personalities of men and women,” researchers said.

The study could explain why certain professions, such as engineering, are dominated by a particular sex in spite of efforts by governments to promote equality, Dr Paul Irwing, of Manchester Business School, who co-authored the paper, said.

He added: “You find far fewer women in engineering and it is normally contended that you cannot explain this in individual differences, but that is on the assumption they are small and our study shows they are huge.

“People are self-selecting into careers that fit their personality characteristics – it is the complete opposite of what people have assumed for the past 100 years.”

Dr Marco Del Giudice, who led the study, said: “Sex differences in personality are believed to be comparatively small. However, research in this area has suffered from significant methodological limitations.

“The idea that there are only minor differences between the personality profiles of males and females should be rejected as based on inadequate methodology.”

vía Men and women have distinct personalities – Telegraph.

El padre importa en la familia

“Un estudio del Instituto Melbourne de Investigación Social y Económica Aplicada (Universidad de Melbourne) ha establecido que los varones adolescentes que tienen una figura paterna masculina presente con asiduidad en sus vidas tienen menos riesgo de delinquir que sus iguales sin presencia paterna…”

el padre importa
