El camino del servicio

[Predicación en un retiro parroquial en Blessed Sacrament, New York, cuaresma de 2015.]

* Esos son los pasos principales en el crecimiento de un bautizado que asume conscientemente su vocación de seguidor de Cristo, siervo de Dios:

  1. Servir como simple hacer
  2. Servir como transmitir
  3. Servir como conectar
  4. Servir como predicar
  5. Servir como interceder y sanar
  6. Servir como inspirar
  7. Servir como amar a Dios y al prójimo

LISTEN, The Spirit of Lent

[Meditation at the Blessed Sacrament Parish Church, for the 2015 Lenten Season.]

* Introduction: St. Patrick, as a role model for spreading the gospel in Christ-like fashion.

* The three main practices of Lent: fasting, prayer and alms-giving.

* These practices are more than mere “activities”: they are part of an atmosphere lavished in “piety.”

* Piety (in latin: PIETAS) is more than devotion:is the language of love that characterises the relationship between parents and children.

* It is in such an environment of PIETAS that we are able to grasp the deep sense of Christ’s teachings from the example he gave us in his own “lent,” that is, in his time in the desert.