Decision Time, Lenten Spiritual Retreat 2013, 1 of 6

[Spiritual Retreat preached for lay people at St. Patrick’s, in Miami Beach.]

Talk 1 of 6: The Inner Battle

1. Educate your conscience
2. Identify strengths and weaknesses. Do become an expert on your own self.
3. Be honest about your own failures; blaming others does not help.
4. Be compassionate about your true (fallen) nature.
5. Be proactive on what should change in and around yourself.
6. Join a community. Only the living branches receive the tree’s sap.
7. Share what you have learned. Sharing is good for others but first is good for you.

El sentido de la vida para ateos y catolicos

[Una entrevista con Christian Huerta, de]

– ¿Venimos de la no existencia y vamos a la no existencia?

– ¿Lo único que da sentido a la vida es vivir el momento presente de una forma inmanentista?

– ¿El dogma frena el desarrollo del intelecto?

– ¿Por qué preguntar no siempre es igual a la búsqueda honesta de la verdad?