Lenten Retreat 2011, Talk 4 of 6

Lenten Spiritual Retreat 2011, Talk 4 of 6: John Paul II, a man of true Christian hope. If communism (and any form of collectivism) is an extreme form of secular hope, we can say that Karol Wojtyla came to know very early in life how deceiving and devastating such a hope can be. Back in its origins in the Enlightenment, communism has its same blind confidence in the power of human reason to push humankind in the route of indefinite progress. The ideology of “The Market” and the tendency towards self-redemption, as inscribed in some “positive thinking” methods of mental training, share this same over-optimism in human capacity.

By contrast, Christian hope is firmly rooted in the conviction that God alone can transform the human condition for the better. In Christ, He has shown the abundance of his grace, and as followers of Christ we have the right and the duty of spreading the news of his unfailing love.

Lenten Retreat 2011, Talk 3 of 6

Lenten Spiritual Retreat 2011, Talk 3 of 6: Hope and the new logic Christ brought to the world. In the Sermon on the Mountain, Jesus invites us to seek God “in the secret.” Then, in the Our Father, he teaches us to invoke God as our “Father in heaven.” The relationship between each one’s “secret” (conscience) and heaven suggests that we are to be good for the sake of goodness and not in order to receive a visible reward. Hope, true hope, is based on this new “logic” in which the language of grace wins over the language of strict “trade.”

Lenten Retreat 2011, Talk 2 of 6

Lenten Spiritual Retreat 2011, Talk 2 of 6: Faith as visible in the life and works of Pope John Paul II. True witness to faith in his way of enduring all kind of suffering and overcoming so many obstacles, pope John Paul has also underlined particular aspects of Christian faith, chiefly, that faith is an encounter and not simply a beautiful set of interlocking ideas. His theology of the body and the way he insisted in the role of the Church in order to keep and transmit the true faith remain current and most remarkable.

Lenten Retreat 2011, Talk 1 of 6

Lenten Spiritual Retreat 2011, Talk 1 of 6: Faith is the one gift that opens up your life to all other gifts from God. Righteousness (biblical “justice”) consists in good standing before God. Sin is the breaking of that good relationship. Redemption is God’s generous offering to restore what was broken. Faith is the acceptance of such a wonderful gift.

Luis Bertran, un santo poliedrico

Un estudio biográfico sobre San Luis Bertrán, patrono de la Provincia de los Dominicos de Colombia, y del Seminario Intermisional que forma sacerdotes para los lugares más apartados del país.

Es una figura “poliédrica,” es decir, con numerosas facetas y dimensiones muy profundas. Su ejemplo impacta y estimula: orante, penitente, predicador de la justicia, testigo de la misericordia, místico, apóstol, formador de religiosos santos, y sobre todo: modelo incomparable del don del Temor de Dios que nos libera de todo otro temor.

Tres sentidos de amor

Escuela de Vida Interior, Tema 9: En la cultura contemporánea “amor” significa algo muy pobre, fruto de una triple reducción: (a) Se reduce amor a amor de pareja; (b) Se reduce el amor de pareja a lo físico y sensual; (c) Se reduce el amor sensual al placer sexual. Ese concepto empobrecido deja a muchísimos seres humanos en la condición de incapaces de amar e indignos de ser amados.

Pero hay otro modo de entender el amor. Un modo que “enciende la luz” de la inteligencia y busca el bien de la persona amada. Hablamos entonces del amor como una decisión.

Sin embargo, las fuerzas de la voluntad humana son finitas y llega un punto en que el Amor con mayúscula queda fuera de nuestras posibilidades. Hablamos aquí del amor al enemigo y de rezar por los que nos persiguen. Hablamos del amor que se describe en 1 Corintios 13. Ese tipo de amor está propuesto para que aspiremos a él y para que descubramos en la humilde oración la única puerta que nos puede llevar a amar al estilo de Dios.

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Meteorite could have carried nitrogen to Earth

A meteorite found in Antarctica could lend weight to the argument that life on Earth was aided by an extraterrestrial body, scientists claim.

Chemical analysis of the meteorite shows it to be rich in the gas ammonia, which contains the element nitrogen – found in the amino and nucleic acids which form the basis of life.

Analysis of other meteorites has revealed organic compounds which the authors of the new paper believe are too complex to have played a role.

Details of the study by researchers at Arizona State University and the University of California, Santa Cruz, are published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The new study is based on analysis of just under 4g of powder extracted from a meteorite called Grave Nunataks 95229 (named after its place of discovery in Antarctica).

The meteorite was found in 1995 and belongs to the “Renazzo” family of “carbonaceous chondrite” meteorites, a group of meteorites that retain much of their original composition and have not been melted by their parent body. They can contain high proportions of water and organic compounds.

The powder sample was shown to contain abundant amounts of ammonia as well as hydrocarbons (including the amino acids glycine and alanine).

Analysis of the isotopes of nitrogen and hydrogen found within the sample suggest the material originated from a “cold cosmic” environment, and were not the result of Earthly contaminants.

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LHC ‘has two years to find Higgs’

Researchers working at the Large Hadron Collider have said they expect to discover the Higgs boson particle by the end of 2012.

If the LHC does not turn up evidence of the Higgs during this run, physicists say they may have to significantly alter their views of physical laws.

The Higgs boson particle explains why other particles have mass, but it has not yet been observed by physicists.

The LHC is housed in a 27km-long tunnel under the French-Swiss border.

It smashes together proton particles travelling at close to the speed of light in a bid to uncover secrets of the Universe.

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Teologia de la Mision, 02

Fundamentación Teológica de la Misión. Curso a los Estudiantes de Síntesis Teológica del Studium Generale de los Dominicos de Colombia. Tema 2: Necesidad del Espíritu.

– El n. 65 del Documento de Santo Domingo (1992) habla de la presencia y acción del Espíritu en la vida y el caminar del Pueblo de Dios.

– Ezequiel, capítulo 37 trae la visión de los huesos secos, según la cual, la falta del Espíritu es equivalente a “muerte.” Pero esa realidad no es inmediatamente obvia pues también los que no creen parecen estar bien vivos.

– Para San Pablo el contraste se establece entre el hombre “natural” (ánthropos psychikós) y el hombre espiritual (ánthropos pneumatikós). El primero está gobernado por la idea de la transacción; el segundo, por la lógica del don, del regalo. Para el primero, la bondad es una inversión; para el segundo es una irradiación.

– Jesús vivió y predicó la lógica del Don, del Espíritu, de la gracia. Nosotros necesitamos del Espíritu porque: (1) Nuestra vida no siempre tiene con qué negociar una transacción; (2) Nuestra evangelización ha de ser irradiación de bondad, y no depender de las respuestas o pretensiones de los oyentes; (3) Sólo el Espíritu tiene poder sobre los corazones.