Edificar monumentos a profetas a quienes nunca se quiso escuchar es hipocresía que Cristo rechaza con fuerza.
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Alimento del Alma: Textos, Homilias, Conferencias de Fray Nelson Medina, O.P.
Edificar monumentos a profetas a quienes nunca se quiso escuchar es hipocresía que Cristo rechaza con fuerza.
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El artículo se concentra en los daños cerebrales en menores de edad, y en ese sentido no es del todo claro porque parece dejar supuesto que el uso “recreativo” de la marihuana es neutro para la salud de los adultos. Sin embargo, es un estudio notable en la dirección correcta, para ayudar a quitar ingenuidad y complicidad en un tema que ha alcanzado escala global.
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#VisperasFrayNelson para el Martes XXVIII del Tiempo Ordinario
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Why do people think the Bible is divinely inspired? – I.H. (from Quora)
Some Initial Remarks from the Theory of Knowledge
The rather modern ideas of intellectual (individualistic) property, scientifically verifiable knowledge and object-oriented ways of understanding knowing itself have left a deep mark in the current discourse about these matters. On the basis of such common presuppositions authorship of a non-fictional work is explained in terms of someone having solid ground to assert things that he or she is ready to demonstrate in a scientific manner in front of a possibly skeptical audience / readership.
Things being so, there is nothing strange in the fact that only one verdict can be accepted for so many people, when addressing the question of who is responsible for the truth/falsehood of the Bible: It will be regarded as mere fiction, collection of pre-scientific fables, or little more than that.
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#LaudesFrayNelson para el Martes XXVIII del Tiempo Ordinario
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