Pablo, 20 siglos despues (2 de 14)

Predicación No. 2 – La literatura de Israel es completamente singular porque es literatura nacional que no ensalza a la propia nación. Entre otras consecuencias, ello implica que la evangelización es una proclamación de la gloria de Dios y no exactamente un intento de convencer o argumentar. *** Fui invitado un retiro y curso de formación permanente a los Dominicos de Taiwan, y con esa ocasión trabajamos dos documentos: Unidad en la Diferencia, y Pablo, 20 Siglos. Ambos están accesibles en los respectivos links, y es bueno imprimirlos para aprovechar mejor estas predicaciones.

Our Lady of Hope

I guess we must see the current emphasis on hope as a true blessing. It was first pope Benedict with his Letter Encyclical “Spe Salvi” (In Hope We Were Saved) of November 30th, 2007. More recently the election of Barack Obama as president of the USA has become like a huge message of hope for millions of Americans and people of all trends of life around the globe.

As Christians we are not keen on fantasy. So often excessive illusion leads to utter delusion! Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, is clearly a messenger of and a witness to hope but he is not a preacher of unreal expectancies or impossible dreams. On the contrary, his language can be very hard to the ear, for example when he says that every disciple has to take up his or her cross and follow him (Mt 16:24).

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