Ante las muertes inesperadas

“la situación es muy diferente cuando un hecho imprevisto (un choque, un secuestro, un atentado, un accidente de trabajo), irrumpe en una vida y provoca una muerte inesperada. Una curva mal tomada, un pinchazo en la rueda, una balacera en la calle, un terremoto, un incendio en el avión o en el barco: hechos veloces, hechos inesperados, violentos, a veces misteriosos, nos arrancan la presencia de un ser querido…”

Muertes inesperadas


Negative experiences can stop painkillers working

A patient’s belief that a drug will not work can become a self fulfilling prophecy, according to researchers.

They showed the benefits of painkillers could be boosted or completely wiped out by manipulating expectations.

The study, published in Science Translational Medicine, also identifies the regions of the brain which are affected.

Experts said this could have important consequences for patient care and for testing new drugs.

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Pain reduced by changing what you look at

Contrary to many people’s compulsion to look away during a painful event such as an injection, scientists found that looking at your body – in this case the hand – reduces the pain experienced.

The team also showed that magnifying the hand to make it appear larger cut pain levels further still.

The study, published in Psychological Science, is shedding light on how the brain processes pain.

The researchers say that gaining a better understanding of this could lead to new treatments.

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