Lenten Spiritual Retreat, 3 of 3, New Perspectives on Catholicism

Lenten Retreat in Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. Talk 3 of 3: New Perspectives on Catholicism

* Unconventional and a little provocative definitions can be inspiring, if used with measure. We can speak of Christian faith as a way towards sober drunkenness. As human beings we are endowed with rationality, but we should never forget that not everything that is real can be grasped by rational, deductive- and linear-like, procedures. the biblical response to the need of surpassing the somehow restricted boundaries of rationality is to be filled with the Holy Spirit–to be “drunk” with the new wine.

* A second provocative way of presenting our faith is to say that the Christian Way consist of “efficient dying.” By “dying” we understand “investing life,” and by “efficiency” we understand: making the most of our limited time on Earth.